Learning MFE#

The Learning MFE (Micro-frontend) in Open edX is a dedicated building block designed for learners. It focuses on everything you see and interact with when taking courses on the platform.

Think of Open edX as a giant Lego set. In the past, it might have been one big piece for everything. The Learning MFE is like a smaller, separate Lego set. It only builds the parts relevant to you as a learner, like content display.

This MFE will be on from Olive by default and is the only MFE that cannot be turned off or disabled.


  • Course Navigation: The MFE facilitates easy navigation within each course. You can access the course outline, progress tracker, specific modules, learning materials (videos, readings, etc.), and discussion forum.

  • Content Consumption: The Learner MFE renders all the course content you interact with, including video lectures, quizzes, assignments, and interactive elements.

Content Tracking example image
  • Progress Tracking: This feature helps you visualize your advancement within the course. It might display completed completion milestones.

Progress Tracking example image


  • Improved User Interface: Compared to older Open edX versions, the MFE offers a clean and user-friendly interface. This makes navigating courses, finding information, and interacting with content more intuitive.

  • Responsiveness: The MFE is designed to be responsive across different devices, ensuring a smooth learning experience.

  • Modular Design: The MFE architecture allows for independent development and updates to specific learner-facing features without affecting the entire platform. This can lead to faster rollouts of new functionalities and bug fixes.

  • Performance Optimization: MFEs can potentially improve loading times and overall platform performance compared to monolithic applications.