################################## Manage Your Open edX Platform ################################## This chapter explains some of the platform wide objects and configurations you will be able to view and manage from the Edunext Control Center. When the Open edX platform is being used with a single tenant (site), it is common to think of this one site as the platform, but in this documentation, we deal with the multitenancy capabilities, or the abilities to have more than one site running simultaneously, so it is very useful to understand it at 2 different levels. At the platform level, we'll discuss all the configurations that apply to all the LMS sites or tenants or that are independent of a particular tenant, this includes key objects such as: - The LMS sites or tenants themselves - The Organizations - The team of course creators - Any customizations done to the platform Some of the tasks related to the management of the platform objects will require the intervention of the eduNEXT support team. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 4 :glob: platform_information manage_sites manage_organizations manage_course_creators platform_customizations mfe_article mfe_glossary/index