Using the open edX and eduNEXT APIs
Open edX APIs
The open edX code base has a set of API's that can be used in certain cases when building integrations with external systems.
You will find the detailed documentation for these API endpoints at ``_
.. note:: Keep in mind that the Open edX APIs are designed and build for being consumed by the internal applications, so they will only allow you to interact with the information that is either publicly available or available to the specific authenticated user that is making the request.
.. note:: Some of the Open edX APIs are built for services that are not fully integrated into the Open source platform or that are not included in the service provided by eduNEXT and thus they are not fully functional.
The list of APIs that should not be used in an edunext cloud subscription are:
- commerce
- course_goals
- course_home
- credit
- discount
- edx_proctoring
- edXnotes
- entitlements
- experiments
- notifier
- program_enrollments
- val
eduNEXT exclusive management APIs
If your subscription has the **USERS API or ENROLLMENT API add-ons**, you will have an additional tool to interact with your learners records at the administrator level.
There are multiple administrative API endpoint available.
- Users API - Allows you to get the information of a particular user and to create additional users in the platform.
- Enrollment API - Allows you to make CRUD operations in your enrollment records.
- Grades API - Allows you to get the grade of a particular learner in a course and the corresponding grading policy.
You will find the detailed documentation for the enrollments and grades API endpoints at ``_
For the users API's the documentation is being improved. in the mean time it can be found at ``_
.. warning:: The users API is currently supported for subscriptions with a single tenant only. If your subscription requires to use the USER's API in a multi tenant environment, it may require additional custom work to be performed.
.. note:: The CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET that will be needed in order to make the authenticated requests with the APIs will be provided by the eduNEXT support team upon request and once the LMS site is located in your custom domain.