************************************************** How to Connect to the Open edX MySQL Database ************************************************** ..note:: This capability is available only to STRATUS dedicated subscription and Cirrus customers. **Connect to a database** using MySQL Workbench. MySQL Workbench is a free tool you can use to connect to your server databases from your computer. To connect to stratus databses open **MySQL Workbench**. .. image:: ../_assets/workbench_start.png :width: 800px :align: left :alt: workbench start On the connection screen above in the top left, click on **Database** -> **Connect to Database** or press **CTRL + U** Provide database connection details on **Paramethers** options: - **Connection Name** - provide the name of your choice. - **Connection Method** - choose connection method **Standard(TCP/IP)**. - **Hostname** - provide a host name or address where a database is on. E.g. server.ourdomain.com or - **Port** - By default **3306** - **Username** - put your username. - **Default Schema** - choose **edxapp**. These credentials will be sent to you by our support team. .. image:: ../_assets/workbenh_connection.png :width: 800px :align: left :alt: workbench connect Then, you can click on **Test Connection** and **Ok**.