******************************* Launch and promote your course ******************************* Once the visibility and access settings have been configured your course will have 2 important launch moments: 1. The moment when the course starts to be available for enrollments 2. The moment when the course contents start to be available for enrolled learners to access. Once it is available for enrollments, and at any point in time as long as the enrollments are still open, you can use different communication strategies that are external to the platform in order to promote the course, so that the number of enroll learners starts to grow. Common examples are sharing the course information over email, social media, web content or digital ads. Once the course has started, you can use the internal email capabilities in the platform to communicate with all learners and raise their engagement with the course as needed. .. seealso:: This is documented in more detail in |open_edX_Docs_link| of the Open edX official Documentation. .. |open_edX_Docs_link| raw:: html This section